Our chiropractic directory is a search engine based directory, that is located within the patient's portal of our website. It is made up of certified, professional doctors of chiropractic. It is designed to allow easy access and retrieval of pertinent information about our chiropractic professionals, allowing either new or existing patients, to locate a certified doctor of chiropractic within their current area, in an area that they will be traveling to or to a new area that they will be moving to. Anywhere across the globe.
Chiropractic Directory and Listings Explained
By providing them necessary knowledge of your practice and the doctor(s) that are practicing there, it gives them an opportunity to digest the information, pre-qualify their choice of doctors, strengthen the bond between doctor and patient and fill out existing forms necessary to facilitate their first visit to your practice.
Our global chiropractic directory can be an exceptional resource and tool for use by you and your practice.
YOUR CHIROPRACTIC DIRECTORY | ASSOCIATE LISTINGS EXPLAINED. Our global chiropractic directory is one of the main reasons that consumers visit our website. You will find that investing in your practice is quick, easy and very affordable. In fact, this is the most popular and economical advertising method among our chiropractic professionals that is found within our website.
EverybodiesChiropractor.com is not your ordinary business directory. In order to keep our site rankings at the top of major search engines, we use varying marketing techniques. Meta tags, key words, specific page descriptions, search engine optimization (SEO), placement and page reviews, all contribute to making our site well read and searched for. But these are not the only marketing techniques we use. We believe that page renewing, quality content, helps provide a new and refreshed appearance to our site for search engines to locate.
Throughout the pages of our website, you will see the terminology, "Associate Members or Membership" called out in various places and areas. EverybodiesChiropractor.com considers all chiropractic professionals who are part of our chiropractic directory, "Associate Members", no matter what level they invest in. Associate Membership affords you benefits and privileges that are not available to outside parties. For a detailed list of your associate membership benefits, go to our "Associate Membership" page for an extended review.
Within our global chiropractic directory, we offer two (2) distinct types of associate listings. These listings have varying features and options that are available to our chiropractic professionals.
STANDARD ASSOCIATE LISTING - Our basic listing. If you opt for this listing, it will include the following:
• Your Name And Practice Name In Bold Print,
• Your Practice Address,
• One (1) Practice Phone Number, and
• One (1) Practice Fax Number.
With a standard associate listing, you will appear after all preferred listings on the page(s) in descending alphabetical order. To view an example of a standard associate listing, "Click Here".
Your Investment: $1.50 per month | Annual Investment: $18.00
That Makes Your Investment Less Than 5 Cents A Day Over One Year! Click Here To Get Started!
PREFERRED ASSOCIATE LISTING - Our most popular listing. If you opt for this listing, it includes the following:
• Your Name And Practice Name In Bold Print,
• Your Practice Address,
• One (1) Practice Phone Number,
• One (1) Practice Fax Number,
• One (1) Photograph Or Logo,
• Practice Description Area - Up To 100 Words Of Business Content,
• Educational Information And Description Along With Your In Practice Date, And
• A "Hot Link" That Will Take Your Visitor To Your Very Own EXPANED WEB STYLE PRACTICE PROFILE PAGE.
This Page Contains Pertinent Information Concerning Your Practice And Doctor(s). From This Page, You Have
Redirect Features To Link This Page To Your Email And Website Address. It Is Like Having Your Own "Mini-
Website" For A Fraction Of The Price.
With a preferred associate listing, you appear prior to all standard listings on the page(s) in descending alphabetical order. To View An Example Of A Preferred Associate Listing, "Click Here".
To View An Example Of A Practice Profile Page, "Click Here".
Your Investment: $15.00 per month | Annual Investment: $180.00
That Makes Your Investment Less Than 50 Cents A Day Over One Year! Click Here To Get Started!
Every page contained within EverybodiesChiropractor.com, has a link that will take the reader to our chiropractic directory to help drive readers to see your listings. By investing and becoming a part of the chiropractic associate directory, you open areas of advertising and marketing that will become beneficial in helping you to either build a thriving practice or infuse new life and growth into your existing one. It all begins with one basic question; "Which Level Of Investment Are You Comfortable With"?
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