The Winner's Edge . . . Adjusting Your Performance.
It is apparent by the enormous focus and attention placed upon the arena of sports performance that professional athletes, athletic children and the weekend warriors mean business. They are constantly seeking new methods in the never ending attempt to increase their ability and the endurance needed to gain the edge on their competition. Many athletes including most professionals have already found a competitive edge and are experiencing the benefits chiropractic can offer in the domain of sporting ability and performance enhancement. By restoring tissue tone, texture and length through chiropractic adjustments these hard working athletes experience increased range of motion, energy, stride length, strength, vertical jump, club and bat speed and other sports related motions that allow them to perform more efficiently and effectively. Whether you are trying to break a record or just trying to best your last time, chiropractic treatment can be an essential tool in helping you reach your performance goals.
The ability to adapt and respond rapidly and effectively to the demands of the game can provide great performance enhancement benefits for athletes of all types. This is especially important to athletes that rely on coordination and optimum reaction reflexes to perform at their maximum competitive capacity. Athletes using chiropractic care as a part of their training regiment indicate the treatment they receive enhances their ability to not only perform, but to quickly recover from injuries when they occur. Here is the secret; chiropractic adjustments reduce the effects of vertebral subluxation making sure the athlete is functionally strong and balanced. Any person playing any position on any surface in the game of life can have their performance and reaction times enhanced by receiving chiropractic adjustments. The adjustments reduce the effects of subluxation providing them the opportunity to gain that needed winner’s edge.
If a subluxation is present in the spine, then nerve flow is unable to travel efficiently throughout the body. This means that muscles are not able to fire as quickly or engage with as much power as they are optimally designed for. Lets put this in perspective; the quarterback can not run as fast, maneuver as quickly, or throw as far; the star hitter on a volleyball team may have a good spike but not enough “oomph” or power to keep it from being blocked; for a baseball pitcher this could be the difference between a 70 mph pitch and an 85 mph pitch. It may seem like a minor issue, but throughout a game, match or meet, the cumulative effect of these deficiencies begins to add up. By getting adjusted, the body's is able to relay information quickly and efficiently to all the muscles. This leads to an increase in speed, power and endurance; the key components that most athletes desire.
Athletes can experience a wide variety of benefits from receiving chiropractic care. Not only can adjustments help when treating injuries from high-impact sports such as wrestling, basketball, soccer, football, and hockey, but they allow the body to work better as well. There is no doubt that many of the impacts or hits received and or falls we might have on the court or on the field can feel like being hit by a car. Athletes getting routine adjustments typically notice improved athletic performance, improved range of motion, better flexibility and to top it off they even suffer fewer injuries regardless of how hard they play. Spinal adjustments provide these results by reducing the irritation of the nerve roots between the vertebrae which can shorten the healing time needed from minor injuries again improving performance.
High-impact, low-impact, and endurance athletes can all benefit from scheduled routine of spinal adjustments. For high-impact athletes, it increases performance and flexibility thereby lowering the risk for injury. For low-impact athletes like golfers, tennis players, and bowlers routine adjustments can help relieve the repetitive strain placed on the body. And for endurance athletes regular adjustments increase range of motion, stride length, increase blood flow, and body symmetry which all lead to an increase in stamina. Chiropractic care is not just about back pain; it is about function. Put simply, athletes under regular chiropractic care, feel better, play better and have more fun. Lessons, practice and regular chiropractic care are just what the doctor ordered. Whether you are a high school athlete, a college athlete, an avid gym-rat or someone who wants to live each day at their maximum potential, give chiropractic a try. Chiropractic should be the cornerstone of any fitness regiment and you will love the results and the benefits it has to offer!

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