Chiropractic Is Safe
The question of whether chiropractic is safe is commonly asked by many new and prospective chiropractic patients.
The answer to the question is simple; of course it is safe.
Chiropractic is one of the most non-invasive health professions utilized today. Chiropractic takes nothing out of the body and puts nothing in. The all natural treatment approach is recognized as one of the safest types of health care in the world. Numerous studies, including those funded by governments, universities and nonprofit research institutions, have all proven chiropractic to be a successful primary therapy for neuromusculoskeletal conditions. In fact, it is also recognized as a treatment that is safer than most medical procedures used to treat the same conditions. Chiropractic is widely used as a complementary means of care for a variety of conditions and diseases. The ultimate goal of chiropractic treatment is to promote overall health, mobility and well-being.
Although chiropractic has an excellent safety record, no health treatment is completely free of potential adverse side effects. That being said, the risks associated with chiropractic are extremely small in relation to other allopathic health care models. Many patients feel immediate relief and improved mobility following chiropractic treatment, but some may experience mild soreness or a slight aching sensation post treatment, just as they would after performing a new type of exercise. Current literature shows that minor discomfort, soreness and or achy sensations following spinal manipulation typically goes away within twenty four hours.
Chiropractic doctors will perform a thorough evaluation to determine if you are a viable candidate for chiropractic care.
Neck manipulation is a remarkably safe and effective procedure, although some reports have associated upper high velocity neck manipulation with a particular type of stroke or vertebral artery dissection. There is not yet a clear understanding of the connection between the two, but the occurrence of this appears to be very rare. In fact, based on the clinical reports and scientific studies available to date, the rate of occurrence is estimated to be about 1 in 5.85 million manipulations performed. Is there a significant connection between stroke and chiropractic treatment? To answer this question, lets identify some other neck movements and activities that have shown a similar connection. Would you think twice about cradling the phone between your neck and shoulder, checking your blind spot while backing into a parking space or getting your hair shampooed by a salon stylist? The fact is, the risk of stroke from chiropractic care is no greater than it is from any of these everyday activities people perform.
It is important for patients to understand the risks associated with some other common treatments for musculoskeletal pain, such as prescription and over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), as these treatments often carry risks significantly greater than those of chiropractic manipulation. According to a study from the American Journal of Gastroenterology, approximately one-third of all hospitalizations and deaths related to gastrointestinal bleeding can be attributed to the use of aspirin or NSAID painkillers, like ibuprofen. Although these medications provide temporary relief from pain, they can actually cause more harm than good.
In summary, virtually all health care treatment methods have some associated risk. The reward chiropractic offers an individual suffering from spinal or other joint problems far outweighs any potential risks. The sanest and safest approach to health is to use conservative approaches like chiropractic care first. You can always resort to drugs or surgical procedures as a last-ditch resort, but the statistics and research support the fact that most low-back and neck pain can be successfully managed with lower costs and higher patient satisfaction by a chiropractic doctor. It is unfortunate that chiropractic has, in some people's minds, developed a reputation of being unsafe, when in actual fact, it is one of the safest health care professions around. To confirm this fact, you need look no further than the malpractice insurance premiums paid by chiropractors. Compared to other professions working on the spine and nervous system, they are extremely low. So either the insurance companies are putting chiropractic before shareholder profits or it is very safe. I think we all know the answer to that one.

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