Ageless Care
Chiropractic is an important health resource for people of all ages. From birth to the elderly, the benefits of chiropractic are endless and extremely valuable. Chiropractic plays a vital role in every stage of life, because wear and tear, trauma and injuries are not limited to any one particular age group. The versatile treatment method promotes health, allowing individuals to lead active and energetic lives; without the use of harmful prescription medications or invasive surgery. Whether you are pregnant, highly athletic, a senior citizen or a young adult, you can experience the extraordinary treatment options and advantages chiropractic has to offer. Chiropractic doctors can ensure your body is functioning at its full potential in every stage of life.
After receiving chiropractic treatments, many moms to be, find their pregnancy, labor and delivery to be more pleasant and less stressful. Modern approaches and procedures make chiropractic adjustments for pregnant moms easier to perform and more comfortable. Your doctor of chiropractic will take special precautions with you during your pregnancy, by making modifications to the specialized adjusting tables, providing relief in the pressure normally associated with lying down. The adjusting techniques used by your chiropractor also vary with each treatment and are catered to the changes you are currently experiencing with your pregnancy.

Chiropractic care can halt the endless pain cycle experienced during pregnancy and also be quite helpful in reducing soreness in the hip and pelvic region, relieving pressure on the sciatic nerve and restoring normal function and mobility to the entire spine. In addition to this, it can also stabilize nervous system function, which is vital in the development of the baby. This is an important component of overall good health, well being and quality of life. The biggest benefit of utilizing chiropractic during your pregnancy is the enhanced mobility you will experience. Chiropractic care during pregnancy not only can help you stay more comfortable, but can also help to facilitate your child's birth. Chiropractic can be a useful pain management protocol in each phase of pregnancy. So pamper yourself and your baby with regular chiropractic prenatal spinal checkups.
What about after the delivery? Whether they are in the healthcare profession or not, most people accept wholeheartedly that the birthing process can be a very traumatic event. Even under the very best of circumstances of a non-invasive, natural birthing process, the baby's delicate spine and nervous system are subject to extreme pressures while passing through the birth canal. Sometimes complications in the birthing process arise, placing even more strain on the newborn. The forceful, pulling and twisting associated with birthing process can lead to your child's first spinal injury.
Due to the significant spinal trauma that occurs during birth, many parents wisely have their newborns evaluated by a chiropractor right away to ensure their spinal health. Many conditions newborns suffer from, have been helped with chiropractic treatment; such as colic, breastfeeding issues, sleep disorders, symptoms of lowered immunity due to poor development and many more. Chiropractors have been stressing for years, the importance of having newborns checked for vertebral subluxations of the spinal column. Evaluating and adjusting the spine of an infant is painless and easy. All babies deserve chiropractic and a comfortable, healthy and happy life.
I'm Ready
For My First Adjustment
Infants and Toddlers
As our delicate newborn embarks on the miraculous process of development; holding up their head, rolling over, pulling themselves up, falling on their bottom, getting back up again and moving around their big, new world; the spine is susceptible to the stress and strain of an occasional bump along the way. Toddlers are very active and sometimes too energetic. As they improve their coordination, crawl and learn to walk, they are constantly falling, bumping and bruising their bodies. As a toddler grows older, their activities become even more intense and so do the dangers. There is no better time to make sure that our child's spine is aligned properly.
Unlike the baby teeth, which will eventually be replaced with a brand new adult set, we only have one spine in our life. A child's spine amazingly grows almost fifty percent in length during his or her first year of growth. Proper development and prevention are the focus of chiropractic care during this stage of your child's spinal development. Your child should be evaluated during the first year of life when corrective and preventative care is most important. The old saying, "As the twig is bent, so grows the tree", says it all. We all know how important the formative years are in determining the health of our children as they grow. It is for this reason that chiropractic care is particularly vital to your child's ongoing spinal health.
As The Twig Is Bent,
So Grows The Tree!
Children and Teens
Active children's and teenager's bodies, take a beating with routine play and minor accidents that we don't even think to worry about. In a given month or year, how often has your child jumped from a swing or a slide, climbed a fence, fallen off a bike, been tackled to the ground, run into another player, wrestled and rough-housed with older and bigger kids? As your child grows older, the demands on their bodies continue to increase. Heavy backpacks, sports, sitting in class all day, slips and falls, will all take a toll on your child's spinal health. These seemingly harmless injuries may not express themselves with signs and symptoms for years down the road.
Subtle trauma throughout childhood will affect the future development and posture of the spine. Parents do not think twice about the importance of regular dental visits for their kids. Check-ups are scheduled every six months to help prevent cavities. Consider the fact that children use their teeth only when they eat, yet they use their spine every time they sit, stand, run, play and move. Your child's spine should receive the same attention by getting regular check-ups, considering it is one of the most used and important structures in their body. Chiropractic adjusting procedures are modified to fit a child's age, size and weight; and are also both gentle and specific to the child's developing spinal structures. Chiropractic doctors safely perform adjustments to children with much less force than they do to adults.
This group is the largest consumer of chiropractic treatment as it spans the broadest range of ages. As we progress through life, our bodies are constantly changing and adapting. Often times, it's not until adulthood that these changes from aging and injuries show up. In general, adults are far less resilient than children and therefore more attention should be placed on spinal health. Injuries of the spine are often caused by repetitive movements, either in the workplace or at home. Poor posture while sitting at a desk, car accidents, slips, falls and heavy lifting, can cause spinal problems over time. Similar to an out-of-aligned tire on an automobile, a misaligned spine with abnormal movement will wear out prematurely. If neglected, all moving parts will eventually wear down over time. Chiropractic treatment allows you to get the maximum "mileage" out of your spine.
Adult chiropractic care is focused on optimizing spinal mobility and function which ultimately reduces spinal stress. Routine chiropractic care improves many conditions such as neck, back and joint pain, and also decreases the rate of spinal degeneration and other arthritic changes. Chiropractic improves your spinal health by working to decrease muscle stiffness, spasms and rigidity which leads to an increase in mobility, alignment, balance and coordination. As a result, many adult chiropractic patients report an improved sense of well-being. It is never too late for you to start benefiting from chiropractic. When you are free from nagging pain, stiff joints and can do the things you enjoy; like golf, gardening and playing with the grandchildren, life is far more enjoyable. Feeling good, staying healthy and doing the things that make us happy, are what keeps us looking forward to each new day. Taking care of your body during this stage of your life will allow you to enjoy the days now and well into the future.
Chiropractic care is extremely important for the senior population. During this stage of life, there are significant changes that occur in the spine as you increase in age. The time it takes to heal from injury also increases as we grow older. The chiropractic method of joint mobility can help relieve the physical effects of stresses that have accumulated over the years and enhance your healing abilities. Most senior patients delight in chiropractic because of the energy, flexibility, balance and pain relief they get with each adjustment. Chiropractic procedures take into consideration the nature of the aging spine and the many abnormalities present, to provide a strategically effective, safe and noninvasive treatment plan.
Chiropractic doctors specialize in helping the senior population achieve a level of activity and independence they may have given up hope of ever regaining. The best advice is to take care of yourself, no matter how old you are or how bad you feel. If your quality of life is gradually decreasing due to a loss of mobility or soreness, there's no reason not to do everything you can to keep the quality of life as high as possible. Your senior years do not need to be a period of time dependent on prescription medications, hospitals and nursing homes. This time of life is often referred to as, "The Golden Years", so maybe it is time to try something new and use the chiropractic approach and shake off some of the rust that has built up along the way!
Chiropractic Is for Everyone
Doctors of Chiropractic truly offer ageless care. Whatever age group you may be in, chiropractic can be of great value to your health and wellness. Remember, it's never too early or too late to treat or prevent spinal ailments, injuries or disorders. No matter what disease or condition you have, you can benefit from a healthy spine. Spinal health is as important for your overall health, healing and wellness as proper nutrition, diet and exercise. For many people, chiropractic treatment can make the difference between a life of health, strength and vitality and a life of weakness, dysfunction and infirmity. The simple fact is, chiropractic is for people of all ages and health stages.
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