I'm hurting. I can't think straight.
What Should I Do?
I'm Hurting; So Please, Just Get To The Point
The simplest way to look at Chiropractic Care is to understand that the injured area of your body has more mechanical stress and strain on it than the other areas. Over time, this increase in stress can lead to altered mobility, pain and potentially, joint damage. The injured area could have been caused by a sudden injury like a fall or car accident or it could have developed over time or for complete other reasons.
When the spinal joints are moving properly, the muscles and ligaments surrounding that joint can move within their normal range. When they move beyond or less than that range, spinal dysfunction sets in and causes the majority of the pain we feel in classic back and neck pain. If spinal nerves are affected, you can even experience pain that runs down the legs, into your arms or into the head.
A chiropractor will do an exam to locate the troubled areas of the spine that are not moving correctly, and perform a gentle adjustment in order to get things moving well again by "unsticking the joints". By removing the stress from the injured area, your body can start to heal and you will begin to feel better. Ultimately, chiropractic restores normal function to the injured soft tissues, including nerves, muscles, ligaments and tendons, which will result in less pain and stiffness for you.
Adjustments are essentially the tools chiropractors use,
to remove this stiff feeling in your neck or back, in order
to make you feel better again!
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