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Frequently Asked Questions
Is Chiropractic Safe?
What Is Chiropractic?
How Long Has Chiropractic Existed?
How Large Is The Chiropractic Profession?
Do Chiropractors Prescribe Drugs Or Perform Surgery?
Are Chiropractors Regulated And Licensed Professionals?
What Kind Of Education And Training Do Chiropractors Receive?
Is Chiropractic Scientifically Based?
When Do I Need A Chiropractor?
Are All Chiropractors The Same?
Do I Need A Referral To Go To A Chiropractor?
Will My Insurance Cover Chiropractic Care?
Medical Doctors Could Not Fix My Problem, So Why Should I Believe Chiropractic Will Help Me?
Is Chiropractic Similar To Getting A Massage?
Can I Receive Chiropractic After Having Back Or Neck Surgery?
Will Muscle Relaxers Do The Same Thing As Chiropractic?
I've Tried Chiropractic And It Did Not Help Me, Why Try Again?
What About NSAIDS And Prescription Pain Killers?
Isn't Some Back Pain Normal?
How Does A Chiropractor Know Where I Need To Be Adjusted?
What Conditions Do Chiropractors Treat?
Will Chiropractic Improve My Posture?
How Can I Determine If I Have A Subluxation?
What Is A Subluxation?
Can I Adjust Myself?
What Causes A Subluxation?
Will A Subluxation Go Away On Its Own?
What If Chiropractic Doesn't Work?
What Is An Adjustment?
How Is A Chiropractic Adjustment Performed?
Can The Bones Of My Spine Move Too Far And Become Too Loose From Adjustments?
What Makes The Cracking Or Popping Sound During An Adjustment?
How Many Adjustments Will I Need And When Will I Feel Better?
What Does The Adjustment Feel Like?
What Is The Difference Between Relief, Corrective And Wellness Care?
Why Should I Continue Chiropractic Care After I Don't Hurt Anymore And I Feel Better?
Why Do Children Need To Be Adjusted?
I Am Pregnant And In Pain.  Can I Receive Chiropractic Treatment?
Do I Have To Have X-Rays In Order To Receive Treatment?
Is Chiropractic Just For Back Pain?
Why Don't Medical Doctors and Doctors Of Chiropractic Get Along?
I've Had A Bad Experience With A Chiropractor.  Should I Consult With Another One?
How Come I Have Never Heard Of Subluxation Before?
What Does Chiropractic Have To Do With My Nervous System?
Why Would A Newborn Need To Be Adjusted?
Can Patients With Osteoporosis Receive Chiropractic Care?
Are Chiropractors Allowed To Practice In Hospitals Or Use Outpatient Facilities?
How Do I Select A Doctor Of Chiropractic?
Once I See A Chiropractor, Do I Have To Go Forever?
Does It Hurt To Get Adjusted?
I Didn't Hear A Cracking Or Popping Sound.  Did You Do Anything?
I Feel Fine, How Could Chiropractic Help Me?
Will Chiropractic Treatment Straighten My Spine?
Does Chiropractic Cure Cancer Or Diseases?
Is Chiropractic Treatment Good For Seniors?
Why Are There So Many Adjusting Techniques Used In Chiropractic?
Is Chiropractic Care Costly?
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What Is Chiropractic? Many people think of chiropractors as merely back doctors, but nothing could be further from the truth.  Chiropractic is a health care profession that focuses on disorders of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system; and the effects of these disorders on general health.  Chiropractic care is used most often to treat neuromusculoskeletal complaints, including but not limited to, back pain, neck pain, pain in the joints of the arms or legs and headaches.  Chiropractic is the philosophy, art and science of locating and correcting vertebral subluxation allowing you to regain and maintain better mobility, performance and health.  The dynamic connection between spinal and neural function is truly the backbone of the chiropractic profession.  For this reason, chiropractic focuses on the integrity of the spine and its surrounding tissues as a means to enhance normal human function and overall health.
Is Chiropractic Safe? The answer is simple.  Of course it is safe.  Chiropractic is one of the most non-invasive health professions utilized today and is recognized as one of the safest types of health care in the world.  Numerous studies, including those funded by governments, universities and nonprofit research institutions, have proven chiropractic to be a safe and successful primary treatment for neuromusculoskeletal conditions.  To confirm this fact, you need look no further than the malpractice insurance premiums paid by chiropractors.  Compared to other health professionals that work on the spine and nervous system, they are extremely low.  So either the insurance companies are putting chiropractic before profits, or it is very safe. You decide.
Is Chiropractic Scientifically Based?  The science of chiropractic is based upon the intricate relationship between the body's structure and function.  The nervous system, brain, spinal cord and nerves control the operation of every cell, tissue, organ and system of the body and relate and adapt the individual to his or her environment.  Spinal structural imbalances interfere with and interrupt this delicate neurological transmission system often leading to pain and dysfunction.  As a result, aberrant nerve impulses will eventually lead to working imbalances and an overall reduced performance of all bodily abilities.  These disruptive spinal interactions along with their effects are known as the Vertebral Subluxation Complex.  The science of chiropractic is locating the subluxated vertebral regions and reducing their effects.  Chiropractors adjust the affected areas of the spine and restore as much normal vertebral position, mobility and function as possible.
What Is The Difference Between Relief, Corrective And Wellness Care? Just as there are different reasons for visiting a chiropractor, there are different types of care you can receive.  As a new patient, you obviously have pain or concerns that need to be addressed promptly so let's start with relief care.  This pain based care is usually associated with providing immediate relief from some type of trauma or injury.  Chiropractic can provide immediate effective pain based solutions to your everyday lumps, bumps and bruises.  After the pain is gone you can then decide if you want to feel even better.  Corrective care is not only designed to eliminate pain and the hitch in your get along; it will actually help you build increased ability, mobility and function.  This level of care involves a repetitive frequency of adjustments that restore a normal working state that is less prone to re-injury.  Beyond correction there is another way to achieve greater levels of health and wellness.  Choosing wellness care and utilizing ongoing chiropractic care not only maintains your current stable state but can lead to even greater levels of health and performance.  Which approach you take is up to you and depends on what you're trying to achieve.  We hope that you will stop saying "it always goes away" without recognizing the fact that it also always comes back.  In either case the decision is yours and you get to choose what benefits you wish to experience during your chiropractic treatment.
How Long Has Chiropractic Existed?  The actual profession of Chiropractic, as a distinct form of health care, was developed by Dr. Daniel David Palmer and dates back to 1895.  Some of the earliest healers in the history of the world understood the relationship between health and the condition of the spine.  Hippocrates advised, "Get knowledge of the spine, for this is the requisite for many diseases".  Chiropractors have been helping people find natural solutions to their ailments for more than one hundred years.
How Large Is The Chiropractic Profession? Chiropractic has become an integral part of the healthcare system.  It is one of the fastest growing healthcare professions serving millions of people everyday.  Chiropractic increasingly grows due to patient satisfaction and referral partnerships with other essential healthcare professionals.  It is estimated that there more than 80,000 chiropractors in the United States alone.  We expect these numbers to grow as ongoing research continues to validate the effectiveness of chiropractic and patients continue to get positive results through chiropractic care.
What Kind Of Education And Training Do Chiropractors Receive?  Similar to the requirements of medical and dental schools, prior to entering Chiropractic College, students must first successfully complete two to four years of pre-med undergraduate studies.  During this time, there is an emphasis on basic sciences including organic chemistry, general chemistry, physics, biology and psychology.  Upon completion of these studies, those students who are accepted into a chiropractic college, enter a four to five year specialized professional academic program.  The education received by all diagnostic health care providers is necessarily thorough and demanding.  Chiropractors have worked and studied many long hours to gain the essential knowledge to perform the services and treatments necessary to help you feel well again.
Are Chiropractors Regulated And Licensed Professionals?  Upon graduation, chiropractic doctors must apply for licensure in the state they wish to practice.  All states have different standards required to attain and continually renew a valid license to practice.  In order to keep their diagnostic and technical skills sharp and as current as possible, each state then requires the chiropractic doctor to complete ongoing continuing education.  Some states, such as Illinois, require as many as fifty hours of yearly continuing education to maintain the ability to practice as a licensed chiropractor.
How Do I Select A Doctor Of Chiropractic?  Many considerations need to be taken into account when choosing the right chiropractor.  Perhaps the best method is to ask your family, friends or co-workers which chiropractor they see and if they had a good result and experience with them.  If this is not an option for you, then we suggest you utilize our chiropractic directory.  Here you will find a list of licensed chiropractors along with the techniques they use, whether or not they use X-rays, their office hours and how long they have been in practice.  Give one of the chiropractors in our directory a call and then determine if they have the ability to listen to your needs and provide you effective chiropractic care.
Are All Chiropractors The Same?  For some reason, people tend to think that all chiropractors are the same and that if you've seen one, you've seen them all.  This would be like assuming every medical doctor you meet is a pediatrician, all teachers teach kindergarten and all lawyers are criminal defense attorneys.  Today's chiropractor can choose to focus exclusively on pregnant women, children, athletic injuries, herniated discs, the nervous system, nutrition, extremities and even animal-adjusting.  One more piece of advice on this topic.  The sweetness of low prices can never counterbalance the bitterness of poor quality.  Chiropractors aren't created equal.
Why Are There So Many Adjusting Techniques Used In Chiropractic?  In all professions, advancements are made to enhance the overall result and experience.  Just like medical doctors and dentists, chiropractors have created new methods, or in this case, techniques, to not only address different conditions, but to care for the special needs of individual patients.  Imagine if dentists still practiced the way they did when first established.  Every patient requires special care and with so many different chiropractic techniques available at their disposal, chiropractors are able to treat anyone in your family safely and effectively.  This wide variety of techniques, provides a real benefit for the public and chiropractors alike.
What Conditions Do Chiropractors Treat? People often ask what conditions are treated by chiropractic.  The simple answer to that question is that chiropractic doesn't treat conditions, it treats people.  However, years of experience and studies have shown that by relieving spinal nerve stresses and correcting the body's structure; i.e. the skeletal, muscular and neurological systems, many conditions are relieved.  Most people will consult a chiropractor because of pains in their back and neck.  But poor functioning of the muscles and joints can affect people in many ways.  The nervous system may also be affected and this can cause other symptoms.  These include headaches, sciatica, leg, chest or stomach pains, to name a few.  If you are experiencing pain, spasm, stiffness, decreased range of motion, headache, numbness, tingling or any combination of these symptoms, then you most likely have a chiropractic problem and you need to contact a chiropractor for an appointment.
Are Chiropractors Allowed To Practice In Hospitals Or Use Outpatient Facilities? Yes, chiropractors are on staff at many Veterans Administration (VA) hospitals.  Many VA hospitals have even partnered with chiropractic colleges to sponsor training rotations for chiropractic students.  Chiropractors are also on staff, have privileges or have other professional affiliations with hospitals in a number of states.  Since 1995, dozens of chiropractors have practiced in military hospitals; first as part of the Chiropractic Health Care Demonstration Project and now as an ongoing part of the health care system for active-duty military personnel.  There is even a chiropractic organization called the American Academy of Hospital Chiropractors with a membership of more than eighty-five chiropractors that have hospital privileges across the country.
Isn't Some Back Pain Normal?  Pain is never normal and should always be viewed as your body letting you know something is wrong and not working right.  While the painful symptom may be short lived and go away on its own, it should not be ignored.  The underlying problem causing the occasional painful symptom can slowly worsen until it becomes a big problem that will be more difficult to resolve.   Pain is a terrible yardstick to measure your overall health and wellbeing.
When Do I Need A Chiropractor?  It's not easy to know when you are in need of chiropractic care, although a pain of some kind can be a clue.  Abnormal posture including one shoulder higher than the other, hips not level, a head forward past the shoulders, or even flat feet can be signs you may need chiropractic care.  Often, nerves that are negatively affected because of the spinal misalignment do not carry pain signals.  This means that you can suffer from misalignment of the spine for years without any painful warning signs.  However, allowing these misalignments to exist in your body can negatively impact the functions of the organs in your body, which leads to a deterioration of your health.  If you suspect you have these potential problems developing or would like to make sure you don't then sooner is better than later so the best time to call your chiropractor is now.  A chiropractor can detect these misalignments with their highly trained hands, and correct them effectively.
Do I Need A Referral To Go To The Chiropractor? The answer is no.  You get to make your own healthy choices.  Currently, all fifty states consider chiropractors to be licensed primary care providers and recognize the chiropractor's office as a direct access portal of entry to the health care system.  Chiropractic doctors have extensive training in diagnosis and can determine what your condition is and the best method to manage your case.  You are certainly entitled to ask your MD's opinion on chiropractic, but be aware that some general practitioners may still have limited knowledge concerning the many chiropractic spinal management techniques.
Do Chiropractors Prescribe Drugs Or Perform Surgery?  Absolutely not!  The hallmark of chiropractic is its all natural hands on methodology.  The chiropractic approach to healthcare focuses on the patient's overall health.  Chiropractors provide hands on, drugless, nonsurgical health treatments, that rely on the body's inherent recuperative abilities.
What Is An Adjustment?  An adjustment is the chiropractic term for a procedure otherwise known as spinal manipulation.  The adjustment is delivered by hand or by instrument using a high velocity low amplitude thrust on a specific area of the spine or extremities.  The goal of the adjustment is to correct spinal subluxations detected during examination.  A chiropractic adjustment is the art of using a specific force in a precise direction, applied to a joint that is fixated, "locked up" or not moving properly.  This adds motion to the joint, helping the bones gradually return to a more normal position and motion.  The purpose of this safe and natural procedure is improved spinal function, improved nervous system function and improved health.
How Is A Chiropractic Adjustment Performed?  There are many ways to adjust the spine.  Your doctor will try to isolate the pain generating joint and determine the vector of thrust required to take that joint through the corrective motion.  Then, through body positioning, he will attempt to lock out all the joints around it so that they aren't moving when he applies force.  The highly accurate, high velocity, low amplitude thrust, is usually delivered by hand or by a specially designed instrument.  Some adjusting methods are quick, whereas others require a slow and constant pressure.  After years of training and clinical experience, each chiropractic doctor becomes highly skilled in the delivery of a variety of adjusting approaches.  The chiropractor adapts the procedure to meet the specific needs of each patient.  Patients often note positive changes in their symptoms immediately following treatment.
How Does A Chiropractor Know Where I Need To Be Adjusted?  A chiropractor conducts a very careful assessment, which includes a thorough discussion of past and present medical history of the patient, a comprehensive neurological and orthopedic examination.  The chiropractor may also take x-rays if necessary.  During the history portion of the exam, the doctor is able to identify areas that are not functioning at their optimal level and are producing noticeable symptoms.  During the physical examination, the doctor is able to identify areas of the spine that are out of alignment, by looking at the skin tone and color, feeling for the contours of the muscle and bony structures below the skin and checking for altered motion of spinal segments through motion palpation.  Your chiropractor will also evaluate you for any postural imbalances and altered walking patterns.  If x-rays are taken, the doctor is looking at the alignment of the vertebrae, the disc height between each consecutive vertebra, whether there is osteoarthritis present in the spine and if there are any developmental abnormalities or pathologies present that may by contributing to the problem or are resulting from the problem.  With all this information, the chiropractor now has the ability to determine the best areas of the spine to adjust, in order to relieve your condition.
Do I Have To Have X-Rays In Order To Receive Treatment? Chiropractors do not x-ray every new patient.  The decision as to whether or not x-rays shouldl be taken, will depend on your case information as well as what is discovered during your physical examination.  You can be assured x-rays will be taken if it is felt that they are necessary and be useful in providing you an assessment and solution to your spinal condition.  If it is determined that x-rays are needed in your case, chiropractors never disregard the need of using the least amount of radiation exposure as possible.  Chiropractors take every precaution to reduce this exposure risk.
What Does The Adjustment Feel Like?  This is a great question and probably one of the most difficult to answer.  One thing is for certain; chiropractic doctors excel in making the adjustment as comfortable and effective as possible.  That being said, many elements come into play as to how one feels during and after an adjustment.  The severity of the injury, degree of pain you are in, your individual pain threshold, presence of spasm, swelling and inflammation, muscle tension, and nervousness or fear factors to name a few all come into play.  After receiving an adjustment most patients report a positive experience and result as they feel a degree of pressure release, better mobility and overall pain relief.  Of course, if you are in severe pain and any movement you make hurts, then any intervention, much less an adjustment, is going to cause some degree of pain or soreness in the process of alleviating your condition.
Can The Bones Of My Spine Move Too Far And Become Too Loose From Adjustments? No; that's an old wives tale much like the saying that cracking your knuckles will lead to arthritis.  Understanding what physically occurs during an adjustment will help you realize that "chiropractic causes a loose spine" theory is actually just a popular myth.  Chiropractic is unique from all other professions in that their purpose is to restore lost joint motion and return them to a normal or ideal range.  Chiropractic adjustments do not move the joint any further than it was intended to move nor will every single bone in your spine be adjusted.  The chiropractor will assess which joints are subluxated and adjust those joints only.  Years of training, practice and experience of your chiropractor along with the specificity of the spinal adjustment itself makes it highly unlikely that the bones of the spine will become loose or move too far.
Does It Hurt To Get Adjusted?  Many people wonder if an adjustment hurts.  The answer is generally no.  It may feel strange, different or a little bit uncomfortable, but generally does not hurt to get adjusted.  In fact, most people say the opposite; it feels great to be adjusted.  However, if you come into a chiropractic office and you are especially tight in the area being adjusted, you may feel some muscle soreness afterwards.  This doesn't typically last but a day or two and is resolved with continued adjustments.  It is no different than going to the gym for the first time and experiencing some achy muscles as a result of being out of shape; getting adjusted can too cause this mild soreness as you're moving joints that haven't moved properly in awhile.
What Makes The Cracking Or Popping Sound During The Adjustment?  The modern form of spinal manipulation techniques have characteristic biomechanical features and are usually associated with an audible "popping" or "cracking" sound.  This sound is called cavitation and is exactly the same thing that happens when you crack your knuckles.  A cavitation is the formation of vapor bubbles of a flowing liquid in a region where the pressure of the liquid falls below its vapor pressure.  Every joint in the body is lubricated and supported by fluid filled sacs that contain gas pockets.  That sound is not your spine "cracking" or "popping" like most people think.  That sound is created by nitrogen gas rushing in to fill the partial vacuum created when the joints are slightly separated.  A perfect example of this phenomenon would be the "pop" sound you hear when the cork is taken out of a champagne bottle.  Keep in mind that not all chiropractic adjusting techniques produce this noise.  In fact, some adjusting techniques use little force and thus produce no noise at all.
I Didn't Hear A Cracking Or Popping Sound.  Did You Do Anything? Not all adjustments make the popping sound and the lack of this sound does not really mean much with respect to the results of chiropractic treatment.  The fact is, some people's joints are more prone to making this noise than others.  Many chiropractors employ adjusting techniques that are purely designed to expand joint function and will never produce this audible popping sound.  Chiropractors are more concerned with the resulting increase in mobility and joint function produced by the adjustment rather than the sound it makes.
How Many Adjustments Will I Need And When Will I Feel Better?  The answer to this question is what every person that suffers from neck or back pain wants to know.  Every patient and every condition are unique.  The best answer we can give is that your pain experience is individual, so your relief time will be individual as well.  While we are all similar anatomically we have different body structure and different levels of injury.   Some people experience relief after one adjustment, while it may take several adjustments for others to find the relief they are looking for.  In chronic or serious traumatic cases, complete healing can take months, or even years.  Asking this question is like asking the golf instructor how many golf balls you would need to hit to embrace a new proper swing.  Unfortunately, we are not fortune tellers, so the best we can tell you is the number of adjustments varies with each patient and their individual health goals.  There is hope and we look forward to working with you to regain your quality of life.
Once I See A Chiropractor, Do I Have To Go Forever?  Many individuals erroneously believe that after you visit a chiropractor, you have to continue going.  The choice to continue chiropractic care is always up to you.  Your chiropractor is obviously going to prescribe some form of a treatment plan that will most likely include a series of visits to resolve your issue and relieve your pain.  Some chiropractors do suggest continued care through either a corrective or wellness program.  Although pain is the most common reason people initially go to the chiropractor, spinal adjustments often help people reach an improved state of health.  They have less pain, greater freedom of movement, better sleeping patterns and an improved feeling of well being.  The daily stressors of life such as computer work, commuting, repetitive lifting and carrying of items and that general sense of being rushed are all hard on the body.  As a result, many people use chiropractic maintenance care to function at a better state of health.  The frequency of treatment depends on other lifestyle factors such as exercise, stress reduction and nutrition to name a few.  People are, of course, free to choose what kind of extended care they want if any at all.  Many chiropractic patients choose to continually get adjusted long term because they have been in pain before and they much prefer the way they feel when they are well adjusted.  Whether you are seeking relief or wellness, your chiropractor will respect your decision.
Why Should I Continue Chiropractic Care After I Don't Hurt Anymore And I Feel Better?  The simple answer is to stay feeling that way and ask yourself can I feel even better.  Unfortunately we are a quick fix society.  Most people think feeling fine at the moment means they are healthy.  There is a generalized belief that the absence of symptoms means the presence of health.  Unfortunately, this is not true; health exists when every part of our body is functioning properly.  Thousands of people feel good right now and yet within the next few days, weeks or years, they will be suffering from any number of diseases or spinal problems that they think just came on all of a sudden.  Most conditions do not just occur suddenly they develop after periods of neglect: neglecting to eat well, to stretch and exercise and stay fit, to get enough rest, keep mental stress down and neglecting to seek preventative healthcare.
I Feel Fine.  How Could Chiropractic Help Me?  Some people do visit their chiropractor when they are feeling fine.  They understand the importance of spinal health and overall well being.  Your chiropractor can recognize and detect problem areas in your spine before they develop into problem conditions or symptoms.  Chiropractic adjustments help to maintain or support a healthy spine and nervous system.  Proper maintenance and care of your body can help prevent major injuries.  Most professional athletes receive chiropractic care not only for injuries sustained, but to make them faster, stronger and less likely to become injured.
Can I Adjust Myself?  Have you ever felt compelled to skip the dentist's office, reach for your rechargeable drill and attempt to fix your own toothache?  Pretty silly, right?  Well wrenching your neck from side to side hoping to elicit pain relief isn't much of a better idea.  All chiropractors are asked whether it is okay to crack your own neck.  In case you're wondering too; the answer is a resounding NO.  It's never okay to manipulate your own neck, no matter how good you think it feels.  Here's the bottom line.  Your spine likes to be stable.  It's not happy when it's unbalanced.  If your neck is tight, painful or stiff, there's a good chance you've got a developing structural problem.  Spinal degeneration is not okay and I can promise you that bending, twisting and contorting your own neck to induce popping sounds, is not the solution!  You need to address the cause of the problem and be treated at the chiropractor's office.
What Is A Subluxation?  A vertebral subluxation occurs when the joints of the spine fail to move properly due to spinal bones becoming misaligned, therefore causing interference with the nerve messages from the brain to the body and/or from the body to the brain.  This fixation, or loss of normal motion, can affect movement patterns, muscle balance and even the function of organs and the chemicals and hormones they produce.  The term "vertebral subluxation" is at the core of chiropractic care.  While many other terms have been used to describe aspects of this condition, such as spinal misalignment or dysfunction, fixation, facet syndrome or manipulable lesion; these synonyms are overly mechanical and fall short of describing the true nature, complexity and global health implications of the vertebral subluxation.
What Causes A Subluxation?  Subluxations are commonly caused by physical trauma such as car accidents, sports injuries, slips and falls, strenuous exercise, bad posture, poor sleeping habits, children's falls and even the birth process.  Subluxations can also be created by emotional trauma and chemical stressors, such as alcohol, environmental toxins and drugs.  Although each of these three forces can cause a subluxation by themselves, most subluxations are caused by some combination of the three.  The Vertebral Subluxation Complex is caused by any stress that overwhelms your body.  With all the stresses, physical traumas, emotional tension, as well as the poisons that our bodies are subjected to each day, it is not difficult to see how the spine can become subluxated.
How Come I Have Never Heard Of Subluxation Before?  Chiropractic still has quite a long way to go to be recognized as an established practice like those of medicine and surgery.  People need to be exposed to the fact that chiropractic has such a positive effect on overall body health by reducing nerve interference by reducing subluxation.  The fact is, chiropractic is one of the fastest growing professions and there is hope more people will become educated about subluxation.  It is important that everyone learn the dangers of leaving subluxation unattended in the spine.
Will A Subluxation Go Away On Its Own?  Symptoms of the subluxation often will disappear over time.  For example, an acute low back injury may resolve after two to three weeks of pain and discomfort.  It is possible that the subluxation amazingly disappeared, but the more probable explanation is the body made compensations and adapted to the condition and ceased producing symptoms.  The painful symptoms of the subluxation most likely will re-occur if the structural problem in the spine was never addressed properly.   It is also not uncommon for the symptoms to be worse than the initial attack due to the cumulative neglect and damage that occurred previously.  Most subluxations are silent and patients often report they didn't realize how tender or sore they were until they are touched or when the joint is challenged.
How Can I Determine If I Have A Subluxation?  Because subluxations can be asymptomatic, most people don't even know that they have it.  A subluxation may cause immediate pain or reduced range of motion or you may have it for a long time before symptoms appear.  Like the early stages of tooth decay, subluxation can be present before any symptoms appear.  This is why periodic spinal checkups are so important.  Although it may be possible to know that you have a subluxation, it is rarely possible to be sure you don't.  Regular spinal checkups are always a good idea and they promote good health from the inside out.  The early detection of subluxations can prevent unnecessary pain and decrease of health.
Why Would A Newborn Need To Be Adjusted? First of all, birth is quite traumatic.  The infant is forced head-first into an exit that is way too small.  Then suddenly, the lights come on and huge hands start tugging and pulling on that tiny neck.  Ouch!  Many newborn babies receive their first subluxation through this birthing process.  Worse yet, some modern birthing procedures employ a Cesarean section, the use of forceps or induced deliveries that put unnatural strains on the infant's delicate little body.  Subluxations disrupt the child's ability to fight infections, digest food properly and control temperature.  Subluxations may also cause pain, vomiting, sleeplessness or a failure to thrive.  Is your baby fussy, colicky, vomiting, unable to sleep or jumpy when touched or crying for no apparent reason?  You have your baby's eyes checked, heart checked and ears checked; why not their spine?  A chiropractic spinal checkup can ensure a healthier baby, one with higher resistance to disease and a healthier nervous system.  The chiropractic adjustment given to a newborn is very different than what is given to an adult.  They are extremely gentle, non-force treatments, designed to free up subluxations of the spine and hip regions.
Why Do Children Need To Be Adjusted?  From the minute they are born, children are exposed to physical challenges and trauma.  As toddlers and children they learn to walk, ride bicycles and play sports while experiencing a wide variety of falls and jolts.  Chiropractic can also be vital in proper development by offsetting the demands associated with growth.  It is so vital that children develop appropriately.  A minor misalignment during youth can set the stage for advanced degeneration and higher potential for illness and injury in the future.  The old saying applies perfectly here; "As the twig is bent so grows the tree".  Keep in mind that children do not get adjusted the same way as adults do.  The adjustments are much lighter and delicate.  And yes children usually respond much faster to chiropractic treatment.  Don't disregard the everyday bumps and bruises your child experiences.  Early chiropractic treatment can prevent problems in adulthood.
I Am Pregnant And In Pain.  Can I Receive Chiropractic Treatment?  The answer is a resounding yes.  After receiving chiropractic treatments, many moms to be find their pregnancy, labor and delivery to be more pleasant and less stressful.  Chiropractic care can halt the endless pain cycle often associated with pregnancy and also be quite helpful in reducing soreness in the hip and pelvic region, relieving pressure on the sciatic nerve and restoring normal function and mobility to the entire spine.  Your chiropractor will take special precautions with you during your pregnancy by making modifications to the specialized tables providing relief in the pressure normally associated with lying down.  The adjusting techniques used by your chiropractor also vary with each treatment and are catered to the changes you are currently experiencing with your pregnancy.  Chiropractic can be a useful pain management protocol in each phase of pregnancy, so pamper yourself and your baby with regular chiropractic prenatal spinal checkups.
Is Chiropractic Good For Seniors?  Chiropractic care is extremely important for the senior population.  During this stage of life, there are significant changes that occur in the spine as you increase in age.  The chiropractic method of joint mobility can help relieve the physical effects of stresses that have accumulated over the years.  Most senior patients delight in chiropractic because of the energy, flexibility and pain relief they get with each adjustment.  Chiropractic procedures take into consideration the nature of the aging spine and the many abnormalities present to provide a strategically effective, safe and noninvasive treatment plan.
Can Patients With Osteoporosis Receive Chiropractic Care?  While there is no cure for osteoporosis, your Doctor of Chiropractic can definitely develop a safe and personalized healthcare plan.  Chiropractors are familiar with the risk factors of osteoporosis and use various forms of modified techniques to meet the needs of osteoporosis patients.  If your condition would benefit from an adjustment, the chiropractor will do so using a consistent low-force, high-speed chiropractic adjustment that is safe and appropriate.  Your chiropractor may also recommend a balanced diet rich in calcium, adequate vitamin D intake, regular weight-bearing exercise program and fall prevention education which are all important in maintaining strong and healthy bones.  All chiropractors are able to advise each individual osteoporosis patient on exercises, which will help improve core stability musculature and maintain bone density.  Keep in mind there are many ways to adjust the spine and the method employed by your chiropractor will always be based upon your age, size and condition.
Can I Receive Chiropractic After Having Back Or Neck Surgery?  After you have recovered from your surgery, yes you can receive chiropractic adjustments.  More and more people are finding that back and neck surgery is not what it is cracked up to be.  Sorry for the pun, but it is true.  It just doesn't work that way; surgery doesn't always cure the problem and symptoms often return months or years later.  To make it worse, once you have had one the possibility of a second surgery will now always exist.  Chiropractic's all natural approach may prevent or prolong the need for not only the first surgical correction, but may even reduce the risk for the need of a second invasive operation simply by restoring normal spinal mobility.  Chiropractic has helped, improved and restored a high quality of life for many people that needlessly suffer from failed back surgery.
Is Chiropractic Just For Back Pain?  There is a misconception that chiropractic services only alleviate back and neck pain, which is totally misleading.  Chiropractic care relieves more than just back and neck pain; it is successful in treating some of the following conditions and symptoms as well; headaches, shoulder and arm pain, leg and foot pain, bursitis, arthritis, muscle pain, tendonitis, joint pain, stress, insomnia and much more.  Every body part is connected to the others through a kinetic chain.  Alleviating faulty movement patterns can help a person perform much better, at work, in sports or at any recreational activity.  Don't assume a chiropractor can't help you with extremity problems.  Every elite athlete in the country has a chiropractor to help them reach their performance potential.  They do not receive treatment just for neck and back problems.
Will Chiropractic Improve My Posture? Many spinal problems lead to poor posture and altered performance.  Chiropractic is geared to restore maximum spinal mobility and normal body balance.  Proper alignment allows your muscles, joints and ligaments to work smoothly.  As a result, you will have better posture, mobility and function.
Will Chiropractic Treatment Straighten My Spine?  Many spinal problems lead to poor posture and altered spinal positioning.  Although some correction or straightening is possible, chiropractic is geared to restoring maximum spinal mobility, function and normal body balance.  A straightening of the spine is more likely if the curvature is muscle related.  If however, the spine is not straight as a result of spinal degeneration, a curvature correction is not likely.  Chiropractic restores mobility allowing your muscles, joints and ligaments to work smoothly.
Does Chiropractic Cure Cancer Or Diseases?  Chiropractors do not claim to cure anything.  Chiropractic treatment works to restore homeostasis of the nervous system, allowing a person to be as healthy as they can be.  Chiropractic is based upon the idea that we cannot cure disease; only the body has the power to heal.  When a chiropractor treats you, they are simply helping the body to function at its best so that it can do what it needs to.  Chiropractic can provide relief from some of the symptoms of cancer and other such diseases and has definitely been shown to improve the standard of living for these patients.  Most chiropractors do not treat illness; they attempt to help the body function better so that it can heal its self.
What Does Chiropractic Have To Do With My Nervous System?  Chiropractors restore and maintain proper positioning and mobility of the spinal bones.  Improper spinal positioning or motion can place pressure on the spinal cord and the spinal nerves that transmit signals to the entire body.  When you have improper or decreased nervous transmission dysfunction is inevitable.  Think of nerve irritation like a dimmer switch on your lights.  If the dimmer is turned down, the lights are still on, but the light is low.  If it is turned up too high, the bulb may burn out prematurely.  A chiropractic adjustment is one of the only methods of returning the vertebrae to its normal position where there is no interruption in the nervous system.  Chiropractors are the only health profession that preserve and promote the delicate relationship between spinal and nervous system function.
Is Chiropractic Similar To Getting A Massage?  There is a big difference between chiropractic treatment and massage therapy.  A chiropractor is trained to assess, diagnose and treat your conditions structural cause.  Chiropractic adjustments restore normal spinal positioning and mobility.  Massage therapy is super for soft tissues and muscles, but will not address displacements or misalignments of vertebrae or bony structures which may be causing your problem of nerve impingement making relief short-lived.  Many chiropractors recommend chiropractic and massage therapy in conjunction in order to address both the muscle and spinal component in certain cases.
Will Muscle Relaxers Do The Same Thing As Chiropractic? Many medical doctors prescribe muscle relaxants, which do not heal the injuries, but they do relax muscles and help ease the discomfort and temporarily stop the muscle spasm cycle.  These drugs may make the injury feel so much better that one is tempted to go back to normal activity.  But doing too much, too soon, can actually make the injury worse.  Muscle relaxers can also have negative side effects and possibly even lead to addiction.  Chiropractic adjustments, on the other hand, relieve muscle spasms, all naturally, by addressing the root cause.  Spinal adjustments increase the normal mobility and function of the affected joint relieving the strain placed on the surrounding muscles.  A recent study has shown chiropractic to be more beneficial for treating acute low back pain than the use of muscle relaxers.
What About NSAIDS And Prescription Pain Killers? The answer is quite simple, moderation and proper use is always the key.  It is unfortunate that we have become a society that reaches for a bottle of aspirin or some other chemical solution before seeking safer alternatives to their maladies such as lifestyle modification, supplementation, therapy and or chiropractic.  Sometimes the pain associated with just getting through the day often leads people to abuse, overuse and become dependent on these drugs.  Although these medications provide temporary relief from pain, they can actually cause more harm than good.
What If Chiropractic Doesn't Work?  Not everyone is a candidate for chiropractic care, your initial exam with a chiropractic doctor will determine if your health needs are best treated by chiropractic or by another type of doctor.  The doctor will be sure to set certain benchmarks to determine whether your care is going as planned.  If your doctor feels that you are not progressing as planned, they may change your treatment plan or refer you to a colleague.  This colleague may be a specialist or even another chiropractor who uses a different technique.  Your health is their primary goal.
I've Tried Chiropractic And It Did Not Help Me, Why Try Again?  For some reason, people tend to think that all chiropractors are the same and that if you've seen one, you've seen them all.  The chiropractic profession has become incredibly diverse.  There are dozens of different adjusting techniques.  Each has its own type of analysis and is provided by doctors with their own unique treatment recommendations.  Just because one chiropractor provides an uncomfortable adjustment, doesn't mean they all do.  So if you weren't thrilled the first time around, don't give up on chiropractic care altogether.  Simply find another doctor in your area that offers a different approach!
Medical Doctors Couldn't Fix My Problem, So Why Should I Believe Chiropractic Will Help Me? If you have given up hope because you have already seen someone who prescribed pain killers and/or muscle relaxants, told you there was nothing that could be done, thought the symptoms were only in your head, said surgery was the only option or just simply sent you to a physical therapist with little or no improvement, don't quit yet.  Chiropractic has helped an amazing amount of people who thought they had no other option.  Remember, chiropractic has a different approach to health and healing and relieves symptoms by correcting or reducing the often hidden underlying problems.
I've Had A Bad Experience With A Chiropractor.  Should I Consult With Another One? I'm sure that at some point, you went into a grocery store, post office, bank, dentist or medical office and had a bad service experience.  You may have never gone back to that particular location, but you most likely went to a different one!  Why?  Because these places are necessities in life and although you may not like the way one facility performs their service there is always another one that does things just right.  This thought process should apply to chiropractic care as well.  However, as with any profession, sometimes one individual's service, skill and competency level is not the same as another's.  Please keep this in mind and remember that it may not have actually been chiropractic that didn't work for you, but the manner in which it was used.  There have been several patients who have found satisfaction in one office after having little or no success in a different office.  Chiropractors will always look forward to making your experience a positive one.
Why Don't Medical Doctors And Chiropractors Get Along?  In the past, there was a high amount of animosity between M.D.s and D.C.s.  This was spurred by a general lack of knowledge of the science behind chiropractic.  While reluctantly accepting referrals from chiropractors, a rising number of physicians not only refer patients to chiropractors, but they secretly utilize their services for themselves and family members.  It is rather disturbing to find that some medical doctors go to chiropractors and then warn their own patients not to.  If they could set aside their personal opinions and look at the statistics of families who have benefited greatly from chiropractic care, they might change their tune.  It is when all health professionals are able to work as a team to do what's best for the patient, that the world may move to a better state of health.
Is Chiropractic Care Costly?  The sad fact is that most people invest more money in their cars than they do in their health.  A chiropractor approaches your overall physical health in much the same manner as a dentist takes care of your teeth.  You could visit the dentist only when your teeth hurt, but regular checkups save you from the pain and expense of tooth decay.  The same principle can be applied to your your spinal health.  Chiropractic care is a safe and inexpensive investment that rewards you with increased mobility, function, strength and energy, while at the same time preventing future sickness and expensive medical bills.  You will either pay for your health today with your time, attention and money or you will pay more for it in the future with pain, dysfunction and lifestyle compromises which are all more important than money.
Will My Insurance Cover Chiropractic Services?  Most insurance companies allow for chiropractic services in their benefit plans.  If you would like to know your insurance coverage prior to scheduling an appointment with a chiropractor, call the office of your choice so the insurance billing specialist can gather the needed information to obtain your chiropractic benefit coverage.  This will allow the specialist to review your coverage ahead of time and explain your benefits to you before your initial visit.  Regardless of in-network or out-of-network benefits, the majority of chiropractic offices accept insurance.  Of course your deductible, copayments, and/or coinsurance will be your responsibility.
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