DC versus MD
One of the main differences between chiropractic and medical healthcare lies in their approach to treatment. Chiropractic care is holistic; meaning it seeks to remove the cause of abnormal spinal and joint motion that might interfere with your body's normal function allowing you to naturally heal. Medical care is problem focused and seeks treatment geared to mask and control the symptoms of what might be wrong with you by adding something from the outside; such as a medication or removing something by surgery, in an effort to improve your health. Both DC's and MD's focus on better ways to get you well; they just do it in their own unique way. A great example to describe the distinction between the two professions is to look at the difference between AC electrical current versus DC electrical current. Even though they may take different avenues, they both can turn the lights on. Both disciplines surely agree that the best way to treat an illness or disease is to prevent it in the first place.
Traditionally, there has been a lack of appreciation between the medical establishment and the chiropractic community, but over time, through cooperation, the relationship between the two has improved greatly. The irrefutable evidence that chiropractic care has successfully produced favorable, drug-free and natural relief from a variety of conditions, has led many medical professionals to acknowledge the valuable place chiropractic holds in the healthcare arena. Again, the chiropractic healthcare approach is holistic and treats the whole body, because all its parts and systems are interdependent on each other. Medical care takes an allopathic approach; meaning that your care tends to be focused only on the specific area of your body or symptoms that have become problematic. The following is not an all-inclusive analysis of the types of care provided by medical doctors versus that of doctors of chiropractic, but a description and basic highlights of the main differences the two professions have behind their philosophy in treating various ailments.
Medical doctors have become experts at treating the body in crisis mode. This method is perfect when health has faltered to the point where various disease processes have taken hold. They see the body as a series of organs and tissues, instead of vital parts of a whole human being. Chiropractors, on the other hand, take a different approach. They are trained to see their patients' disorders as evidence that the body is out of balance, due to a variety of factors including genetic predisposition, physical and emotional habits and attitudes and dietary and exercise deficits. Chiropractors work with the patient to correct physical imbalances through spinal manipulation, physiologic theraputics and lifestyle modifications. Medical doctors are proficient at what they do. If you want to treat a disease, a symptom or have surgery, then they are the doctors to visit. However, if you prefer a preventative, all-natural approach to health, then the chiropractic method of joint mobility is a more suitable choice for you.

Imagine Your Body As A Sputtering Sprinkler
When the sprinkler in your yard is not producing enough water pressure to effectively run, you wouldn't just pour some chemicals on the sprinkler, nor would you throw some pills, potion or lotion on your seemingly dysfunctional water sprinkler. Even if you just replace that sprinkler with a new one, you still have not determined what the true cause of the problem was. You have to take a step back, look and see if there is something else that might be causing the sprinkler to have less water pressure. Is there a kink in the hose? Is something putting pressure on the hose that would reduce the water pressure? Is there a clog in the line or faucet? This is a simple analogy of how a chiropractor approaches your health needs. A chiropractor will not only look at what is causing your problem and promote healing, but will also help you stop the problem from causing your symptoms again.
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