Spinal Degeneration
Spinal degeneration is a major cause of chronic disability in the adult working population. The degenerative process is often caused by long standing stress and untreated vertebral subluxation present in your spine. The condition is like tooth decay as it develops silently and painlessly for years, before any symptoms or damage occurs. When your spine degenerates, your spinal bones begin to deform, your discs swell and then shrink and your ligaments, tendons and muscles begin to harden and weaken. As a result, your entire spinal column loses its balance, flexibility, stability, mobility and strength. Your nerves, body chemistry and internal organs can also be affected, making it harder for you to adapt to the pressures of every day life. Spinal degeneration is also known as degenerative spine, back arthritis, osteoarthritis of the spine, spinal arthritis, disc degeneration, spinal canal stenosis, vertebral canal stenosis and spinal stenosis. To better understand this damaging process, please read on and learn more about the four different phases of spinal degeneration.
Spinal Chart Showing A Normal Disc
With Comparisons To Abnormal Or Diseased Discs.
Degeneration Phase 1: This phase involves the slight loss of normal spinal balance, mobility and curvature. Your joints, discs, nerves and posture become stressed and the deterioration process begins. Most people describe their condition, during this stage, as an occasional stiffness or achiness that comes and goes. Others indicate that it only bothers them with irregular or increased activity levels. Slight decreases in energy and loss of body height as result of these spinal changes has also been reported.
Unfortunately, just like the cavity, most people experience no pain or discomfort during this phase, even though they have a real problem developing silently. It is best to address this problem during this phase, while there is a generally good response to chiropractic spinal care.
Degeneration Phase 2: In the second phase of this process, the damage begins to set in. Narrowing of the discs and bone deformations, such as bone spurs, are often present. Your posture can continue to worsen along with an increase in fatigue levels. This phase of the condition is very common in the forty year old age group. In many cases the range of motion of the spine becomes significantly reduced. If Chiropractic spinal treatment is started now, significant improvement is possible and a slowing or stopping of this damaging process may be expected.
Degeneration Phase 3: In the third phase of degeneration, most individuals will experience significantly increased postural imbalances, nerve damage, permanent scar tissue and advanced bone deformation. A further loss of energy and body height occurs at this point. Traditional, activity level for the individual becomes more unlikely as the spine continues to lose more and more of its proper balance, mobility and function. Chiropractic treatment during this phase can potentially reduce associated pain levels, increase mobility, and possibly, slow this progressive process.
Degeneration Phase 4: This is the most advanced stage of spinal degeneration and much of the damage that has occurred is now permanent. There is extensive nerve damage, permanent scar tissue and the spinal bones may begin to literally fuse together. Postural imbalances are far more evident and mobility becomes quite limited, further impairing the ability to perform your normal activities. At this point, the condition is considered uncorrectable, although Chiropractic care may give some symptomatic pain relief.
The Chiropractic Approach to Spinal Degeneration
Spinal degeneration is a normal part of aging, but it does not need to affect your quality of life. Neck and back pain are one of life's most common infirmities, making it ironic, that there are many ways to attempt to slow this process down to normal levels, but they are rarely utilized or prescribed. You need not sit and passively watch your spine and your quality of life deteriorate to this degenerative process. Restoration of normal function and quality of life can be achieved by using the chiropractic method of joint mobility. You can reduce, halt and even reverse the earliest phases of spinal degeneration by keeping your joints, nerves and discs healthy. Chiropractic works by restoring and improving spinal balance, mobility and posture all naturally. Of course, the best approach to spinal degeneration is to prevent it in the first place. For this reason, chiropractic doctors always stress early care to stop and prevent the advancement of subluxation related spinal degeneration. If you're not under chiropractic care, the best time to start is NOW!

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