Healthy Tips For A Healthy Spine
Good Posture.  Sit all the way back in the chair with your knees slightly elevated to ensure you are getting good low back support.  Stand tall with your shoulders back to maintain proper balance.
Stretch Your Legs And Back. Sitting for prolonged periods of time can cause your legs and back to become stiff and sore.  Whether you are at work or in your car, make sure to stop and stretch your muscles periodically to avoid injury.
Prepare For Sports.  Make sure to warm up your body and your spine before and after playing any sport.  This will help to avoid injury and keep the muscles loose.
Maintain A Healthy Diet And Weight.  By eating a healthy diet, your body will receive the appropriate nutrients and be able to better repair itself.  Keep your weight down, as an excessive amount of weight puts strain on the spine and other joints, causing damage over time.
Stay Hydrated.  This is very important to maintaining soft tissue elasticity and fluidity in joints.  This will reduce your vulnerability to painful disc conditions such as bulging or ruptures.
Ensure Quality Sleep. To keep your spine in line while sleeping, it is best to sleep on your back or side.  Sleeping on your stomach can cause a twisting of the neck and increase your chances of injury.  Also, putting a pillow between or under your knees can reduce the pressure on your lower back.
Use A Good Mattress And Pillow. Sleeping on a good mattress and pillow will support the spine no matter how many times you move during the night.
Proper Phone Usage.  Do not cradle the phone between your neck and shoulder, because it can cause stiffness and extra wear and tear on the cervical spine.
Wear Supportive Shoes.  Proper footwear will provide good foot and ankle support which will reduce the stress placed upon the knees and hips as well as the back while standing and walking.  Impact absorption is also important when choosing shoes.
Proper Backpack And Purse Usage.  Do not overload your backpack or purse.  When you do this, you add weight to your shoulders which can pull and strain them, causing pain to the neck and shoulder region.
Stand Properly.  When standing, always keep one foot in front of the other.  This will reduce the strain normally placed upon the lower back.
Stop Smoking.  This bad habit has been linked to an increase in disc dehydration along with disc and spinal degeneration.
Lift Properly. Make sure to bend at the knees when picking up heavy loads and keep the item close to your body.  Lift with your knees, not your back.  Move your feet when turning and don't twist your back.  It is much better to wear out your shoes rather than your back.
Exercise Regularly. Exercising does not have to be strenuous.  It can be a simple thirty minute cardio or taking a stroll through the neighborhood.  Any kind of exercise is good for your health.  If you want to go further, a simple core strengthening exercise routine can do wonders in reducing the incidence of back injuries.
Work Smart.  Use proper ergonomics at your work station.  Your work area should be set up for your height and functionality.  This will create a workstation without limitations.
Pay Attention To The Warning Signs. Do not ignore spinal problem or pain.  Always listen to what your body is telling you.
Spinal Checkups.  You can prevent spinal injuries by receiving regular chiropractic adjustments and spinal checkups.  It is a proactive healthy choice!
Lose The Thick Wallet.  Do not sit with your wallet in your back pocket.  Keeping a thick wallet or other objects in the back pants pocket can gradually cause postural imbalances and lead to sciatica.
Ah, the frustration of finding the perfect pillow! Have you found yours, yet?  It is important to remember that a pillow should be designed to help maintain and restore your posture while you sleep.  The older the pillow the less likely it still has enough structure left to properly support you while sleeping.  Read More . . .
Pillow Talk . . . Finding The Perfect Pillow.
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