Health Is Your Choice
We all have the opportunity to make healthy choices every day. The choices you make and the action you take on those choices will determine the quality of your future health. Deciding to take action in the areas of physical fitness, stress, work, relationships, diet and nutrition, not only promotes a sense of accomplishment, but will improve your overall sense of well-being. It is up to each of us to take personal responsibility for our long term health. Modern science has come a long way, and as a result, people are living much longer than they used to. While no one can argue that expanding the average person's lifespan is a good thing; many people are not enjoying the quality of life they have as they grow older because they have not taken care of themselves along the way. In many cases, this low quality of life was preventable, and steps could have been taken to advance healthy aging. It is never too late to begin pursuing healthy changes. Development of a healthy lifestyle is based upon the idea of whole body wellness and will support good health throughout your entire life. Taking personal responsibility for your health is a great choice and will serve you well in your desire to prevent disease and illness.

Ultimately, Your'e The Boss!
Despite the benefits associated with choosing to live healthy, many individuals chug along thinking that their bodies will last forever. A common phrase uttered by this group is "If it's not broken, don't fix it". This is a poor attitude, especially when referring to one's health. Ignoring your current health deficiencies or dismissing minor problems as something that can be "fixed" later, rarely has a good ending. This inaction often comes back to haunt them in the form of preventable future health problems.
Ben Franklin said it best; "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". The best course of action is to focus on strengthening the body and working to prevent problems from occurring, rather than repairing damage done later. You can only kick the can down the road for so long. Being proactive with your health will avert spending a great deal of time in future misery.
The lifestyle choices of many in society have the potential to lead to premature illness and debilitation. The fact is, many health problems develop silently for years before they express themselves. When you are sick, you have no choice but to think about your health; it's right there in your face and you have to do something about it. Preventive health care takes the opposite approach. Prevention is proactive and must be planned and executed ahead of time, even when illness is absent. This requires building healthy habits even when it's not convenient. If you believe that maintaining a healthy lifestyle is important, then you will be willing to make a few sacrifices to get there. Eating right, exercising, getting enough sleep and avoiding destructive substances, like alcohol and tobacco, are crucial in this process. Healthy habits enable the body to gain a natural defense against most illnesses and can provide a long, healthy and happy life.
The choices regarding our health are simple. Either invest a relatively small amount of time, effort and money to stay in good health now, or pay a huge amount later to treat the illness, disease or disability that is bound to eventually occur. Although improving and maintaining health is a personal choice, it is not difficult to take steps necessary to enhance your quality of life. Do not fall into the trap that you have to make drastic changes to be successful in this process. The surest way to fail, is to abruptly make too many changes too quickly. Making small changes in how you live each day is what it takes to develop healthy habits that produce the most rewards. A habit is something you do without thinking about it; and building good health habits doesn't take long if you take small action steps everyday. To be successful, start working on healthy habits that will lead to positive wellness outcomes for the long term. The results of your investment will prove to be well worth the effort and you will thank yourself later by being healthier and more energetic while enjoying life to its fullest. Ultimately, the choice is yours!

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