The Secrets To Staying Well
Living Longer,
While Living Healthier!
There is an old Guatemalan proverb that states; "Everyone is the age of their heart". This sounds beautiful as a proverb, but in reality, it is not as poetic as it sounds. Through science, we as humans are living longer and longer. But is living longer really enough? What we really want is to live longer, as well as, stay healthy enough to continue doing the things we love to do. Having good genes certainly helps, but research suggests that how well you age depends largely on you and what you do. Research also finds that it's never too late to make changes that can help you live, not only a longer life, but a healthier one.
Having a young mind also helps keep the body young. There is a Bible verse that says "as a man thinks in his heart, so is he". What we think about and believe deeply in, is truly what we will become. If we deeply believe we are old, then our body will start to feel old. If we believe deeply that we are young and vital, then our body will follow suit and we will feel more vitality and youth. Of course thinking young is just one of the many steps you can take to promote and look after your future health.
Staying young secrets have been the subject of many a book, documentary and web sites; mostly because we all fear aging. In many societies, the aged are discarded in homes and become increasingly frail and senile. Do you want to end up like this? Luckily, you don't have to, as this site is packed with staying young secrets that will put you on a new healthier path. It is entirely possible to remain energetic, quick minded and healthy well into your nineties with a little extra effort. It's worth it, so please take the time to review our staying well secrets below and CLICK HERE to read the story of the "Mayonnaise Jar". When you are done reading the story, I think you will realize how often we let life get in the way of life.
Staying Well Secrets
Eat A Rainbow. You need fewer calories when you age, so choose nutrient-rich foods, like brightly colored fruits and vegetables. Eat a range of colors; the more varied, the wider the range of nutrients you're likely to get. Aim to include two servings of rich in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, in your diet, at least once a week. Try to limit red meat and whole-fat dairy products. Always choose whole grains over the refined stuff. Nutrition is actually quite simple and if you eat the right foods, you can also save on your grocery bill and may even lose some of that unnecessary weight at the same time. The truth is, you will feel better and your body will last a lot longer if you maintain a healthy eating protocol.
Drink Plenty Of Clear, Filtered Water Daily. The human body is fifty to eighty percent water. Every life giving and healing process that happens inside your body requires water. Dehydration of as little as two percent loss of body weight, results in impaired physiological responses and performance. Many individuals suffer energy loss due to minor dehydration, which is a common cause of daytime fatigue. We recommend a minimum of eighty-five to ninety ounces of water a day for all adults.
Sleep Well. Not getting enough sleep has been linked to heart attacks, high blood pressure and other serious health problems. The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute recommends that adults get eight to eight and a half hours of sleep each night for optimum health. If your bed or pillow is not comfortable and getting in the way of a good night sleep, maybe it is time to invest in a new one. A good night sleep is a great investment in your health.
Maintain Flexibility, Strength and Endurance. You should be able to maintain flexibility, core strength and endurance. This does not mean you have to run a marathon, but you should be able to do twenty to thirty minutes of cardiovascular exercise without needing a respirator at the end of the session. If you have good cardio, flexibility, and strength and maintain the correct weight for your age and body type, you are going to live a healthier life. If you feel this is too big to tackle on your own, your chiropractor is qualified and capable of providing you with a healthy starting point and then guiding you on your way to building improved flexibility, strength and endurance.
Exercise Properly. A lot of people exercise, but they fail to do it properly, which often results in injury or the lack of motivation to continue. This is why it is important to seek professional help. Many individuals get caught up in "I have to do my cardio" and just stick with that. Cardio refers to the body's demand for oxygen. You have to vary different exercises instead of doing the same thing all the time. The body has to be challenged by varying intensity, otherwise the body will get used to the activity. You have to confuse the body by doing different exercises. It is also necessary to do things faithfully and with good form.
Walk To A Healthy Life. Walking as little as thirty minutes, three times a week, can help you stay physically fit and mentally sharp, strengthen your bones, lift your spirits and lower your risk of falls. That's important, because falls are a leading cause of fractures, other serious injuries and death, among older adults. Slowly but steadily, try to include bicycling, dancing and jogging in your daily activities, because they are good weight-bearing exercises that can help strengthen your bones.
Don't Let The Brain Cells Die. Nothing works wonder for an aging mind than a good game of chess. In almost all movies, residents of senior living centers, are always shown playing chess or checkers. Apart from killing time, studies suggest, conquering your adversary in a strategy game, helps keep your brain sharp. Chess is just one option; joining a discussion club, learning a new language and engaging in social give-and-take with other people, will keep you and your mind sharp.
Reduce Stress And Release Negative Emotions. The idea of interactions between the mind and the immune system has been proved by research called, psychoneuroimmunology. It's true; the mind and emotions play a vital role in many diseases, including cancer, diabetes, heart disease, gastrointestinal problems and autoimmune disease. Realistically, there will always be times when you fall prey to negative emotions. You can train yourself to recognize these feelings and address them, before they hijack you and take your health prisoner. Meditate or simply take some time out to deal with stress. Treat yourself to some energy healing to release negative emotions impacting your life.
Laugh Out Loud. Seems simple, but it is actually a lot more complicated than you might imagine. Scientists are just beginning to discover the many ways laughter works as a positive force in human health. Research indicates the health benefits of laughter are far-ranging and include helping relieve pain, bringing greater happiness and even increasing immunity. Laughter reduces the level of stress hormones, provides physical and emotional release, gives us an internal workout, distracts us from anger, guilt and stress, gives us a more positive perspective and has great social benefits by helping to connect us with others.
Love. Believe it or not, love has a number of surprising health benefits; lower stress, better brain health and longer life. All are linked to loving relations. Besides, it just feels good to love and be loved. The simple impact of a hug can stimulate higher levels of oxytocin, a hormone sometimes known as the cuddle chemical. Scientists believe marriage or cohabiting, helps ward off mental decline and is linked to a lower risk for cognitive impairment. Similar studies show that even loving a pet can lead to a longer, healthier life.
Be Spiritual. Last, but certainly not least, make yourself and your life more spiritual; however that may translate to you. Spiritual practices, including meditation, prayer and contemplation, are intended to develop an individual's inner life. It will keep you younger mentally, physically and of course spiritually. To be spiritual is to pursue the intuition that the universe and human brain are such that humans can potentially live in harmony and contentment with the world and each other. Spirituality is often experienced as a source of inspiration or orientation in life.
Here Is The Best Secret Of All. It is NEVER too late to start living the best life you possibly can and stay healthy. All you need is a simple, straight-forward approach to stopping, or even turning back, the clock. Enjoy!
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