Stress Management
Stress is a part of life; but being "stressed out" should not be.  We do not always have control over what happens to us, but that does not mean we have to react to every challenging situation by becoming frazzled, overwhelmed or distraught.  Being excessively anxious is not just a mental hazard, it is a physical one too.  The more stressed and strained we are, the more vulnerable we become to colds, flu and a host of other bodily pains, problems and illnesses.  Stress raises your level of adrenaline, which results in an increase in heart rate, respiration and blood pressure.  This causes bodily organs to work harder than normal, by increasing their workload.  In the long run, reducing stress is critical to combating such illnesses as chronic pain, heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke.
It is unfortunate that most individuals think stress comes only from frustration and the low points in life.  The fact is, both positive and negative life experiences are equally emotionally demanding on the body.  Stress essentially comes from the positive and negative forces in our lives that happen to push our emotional buttons.  Ups and downs, jubilation and depression, promotion and termination, marriage and divorce, birth and death, are all pairs of emotional opposites that have one thing in common; stress.  Stress can result from something as minor as breaking a shoestring or something as major as your child ruining his new expensive shoes.  To put it in the simplest of terms, stress is the opposite of relaxation and can often provoke negative, emotional and chemical responses in the body.
Stress Is A Part Of Life;
But Being Stressed Out Shouldn't.
Now let's dig a bit deeper! A stressed brain operates from survival mode, which is characterized by a failing to see all opportunities, tunnel vision or a failing to believe that better solutions are even possible.  These thoughts shape behavior and eventually, lead to a sense of pessimism and learned helplessness, where many feel too stressed to even begin positively implementing change in their own lives.  Some people even go so far as to say their problems are so big that small changes won't help; or worse yet, make any difference.
Recommended Stress Management Techniques
The truth is, reversing the body's stress response via simple stress management reduction techniques, can enable access to a more relaxed, optimistic style of thinking and approach to life's everyday problems.  Positive thinking can in turn help seemingly overwhelmed people, walk the steps needed toward a healthier life, using successful stress management techniques.  Ultimately, a healthier state of mind leads to a stronger and healthier life!
Say Cheese! Smiling is a two-way street.  We do it when we're relaxed and happy; but smiling can also make us feel relaxed and happy.  Smiling transmits nerve impulses from the facial muscles to the limbic system, a key emotional center in the brain, tilting the neurochemical balance toward calm.  Go ahead and grin.  Don't you feel better already?
Devise An Affirmation. Develop a short, clear, positive statement, that focuses on your coping abilities and strengths.  Affirmations are a good way to silence the self-critical voice we all carry with us that only adds to our stress load.  The next time you feel as if your life is one disaster after another, repeat ten times, "I feel calm.  I can handle this".  You never know, you just might be the best inspirational coach you have ever had.
Count To Ten.  Before you say or do something you'll regret, step away from the stressor and collect yourself.  You can also look away for a moment or put the problem on hold.  Use your time-out to take a few deep breaths, stretch and recite your personal affirmation.
Just Say No.  Always saying yes and trying to do everything is a one-way ticket to serious stress.  Be clear about your limits and stop trying to please everyone all the time.  It is not that you do not care; you are just taking care of yourself first.
Take A Deep Breath.  Breathing from your diaphragm, fully oxygenates your blood, which helps you relax almost instantly.  Shallow chest breathing, by contrast, can cause your heart to beat faster and your muscles to tense up, exacerbating feelings of stress and anxiety.  To breathe deeply, begin by putting your hand on your abdomen, just below the navel.  Inhale slowly through your nose and watch your hand move out as your belly expands.  Hold the breath for a few seconds and then exhale slowly.  Repeat several times until perfected.
Shake It Up. This quick exercise helps loosen the muscles in your neck and upper back.  While standing or sitting, stretch your arms out from your sides and shake your hands vigorously for ten seconds or more, depending on your level of stress.  Combine this method with deep breathing and you'll do yourself twice as much good.
Take A Walk.  Walking forces you to breathe more deeply and improves circulation.  Step outside if you can; if that's not possible, you can gain many of the same benefits simply by walking to the bathroom, water cooler or by pacing back and forth.  The key is to get up and move.
Soak It Up.  When you have the time, nothing is more stress relieving than a hot bath.  When you don't have time, do the next-best thing.  Wash your face or even just your hands and arms with hot water.  The key here is to imagine that you are taking a hot bath.  It is basically a visualization exercise, but if you try hard enough, the hot water can make it feel real.
Stretch Your Muscles. We all tighten up during the course of the day and when we feel stressed out, the process only accelerates.  Stretching loosens muscles and encourages deep breathing.  One of the greatest stress-relieving stretches is a yoga position called, "the child pose", which stretches a majority of the back muscles.  On a rug or mat, kneel down with your weight on your heels while leaning forward placing your forehead on the floor and your arms alongside your legs, palms up.  Hold this position for one to three minutes for maximum benefit.
Make Time For A Mini Self-Massage.  Simply massaging the palm of one hand by making a circular motion with the thumb of the other hand, can produce a relaxing effect.  Rubbing the temples, the back of the head and the base of the neck, can reduce muscle tension as well.
Goof Off And Have Fun! By doing something different, it temporarily removes you from potentially stressful situations.  Recreation is essential for good physical and mental health.  Plan to do something you enjoy as part of a set routine.
Straighten Up.  People overwhelmed by stress, often slump over as if they have the weight of the world on their shoulders.  Slumping restricts breathing and reduces blood and oxygen flow to the brain; adding to muscle tension and magnifying feelings of panic and helplessness.  Straightening your spine has just the opposite effect.  It promotes circulation, increases oxygen levels in your blood and helps lessen muscle tension, thereby promoting relaxation.
Learn To Pace Yourself.  It's not humanly possible to be in high gear all the time.  When you have a number of must-do tasks, deal with them one at a time, in order of their urgency.  Take time out to reward yourself with a little break once you've accomplished each task.
Chew What You Can Chew.  Don't take on more than you can handle.  Less stress is caused, in the long run, by turning away tasks rather than by leaving work unfinished.  Review your obligations from time to time and make sure they are still a good fit for you.  If they are not, let them go.
Don't Try To Be Perfect.  Give the best of your effort and ability, but don't beat up on yourself if you can't achieve the impossible.  Always give yourself a pat on the back for the things you do well.
Escape For Awhile.  Sometimes, when things go wrong, it helps to escape from the problem for awhile.  Lose yourself in a movie, a book, a game or a brief trip to the store, just for a change of scenery.
Develop A Positive And Outgoing Disposition.  If you look on the bright side of things and beyond yourself, you won't concentrate on failure.  Positive emotions help fight stress, while negative ones produce or intensify stress.  Again, remember to say cheese!
Talk Out Your Troubles. Talk your problems over with a level-headed person you can trust.  It can release pressure, make you feel better, help you see worries more objectively and figure out ways to handle the problem.
Find Your Space. Find a time and place, each day, where you can have complete privacy.  Take time off from others and pressures.  Short time-outs during the day, can help improve efficient functioning for the rest of the day.  Also, protect your personal freedoms and space.  Do what you want, but respect the rights of others.  Don't tell others what to do, but if they intrude, let them know.
Space Out.  Look out the window and find something natural that captures your imagination.  Notice the clouds rolling by, the squirrels and the birds foraging or simply the trees flowing with the wind.  If you don't have a window, you can still space out.  You can heighten your awareness of the moment by focusing intently on an object.  Notice a pencil's shape, color, weight and feel.  Mindfulness Leads To Relaxation.
Try Something New. Open yourself to new experiences.  If you're not happy here, why not see what's going on over there?  Is the grass really greener?  Trying new things such as new foods, new activities or new places, may stimulate a positive effect on your behavior and expectations.
Managing stress can be a challenging task when you already feel stretched close to the limit.  These simple techniques for managing stress can truly be the building blocks for a more powerful stress relief plan.  By moving away from feeling overwhelmed, one small step at a time, or by putting into motion a cascade of activities or events, these steps can help you feel less stressed and more in control.  Stress management techniques are all about helping you develop an effective stress management strategy.  If you learn to use some or all of these techniques, they may help improve your ability to cope with stress and live a healthier life.  What one change might make a difference in your life?  Try it today, one step at a time, and work from there!
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